Sunday, August 17, 2014

An Ode to Summer

As usual, summer has been pretty uneventful, but we're going to miss it anyways. Frankly, the idea of starting senior year scares the crap out of us, particularly with all the IB requirements and deadlines looming in the near future. Being on summer vacation is like floating around in a whole other universe, in denial of the endless things we have to do. So, we thought we'd have a stroll in the park next to Emma's house to start soaking up the last few weeks of precious laziness. In terms of outfits, we decided to focus on soft, flowy pieces in honor of the summer weather/feeling. Maxis and hi/lo skirts are items that can be hard to incorporate into a casual look, but with the right accessories and that perfect summer day, anyone can pull them off! How do you guys accessorize yours? 

 We aren't fantastic at staying serious for photos, so please excuse the unique poses and facial expressions. Hope everybody's enjoying their last few weeks of freedom!

Emma: Topshop shirt, Vera & Lucy skirt (got it in Paris so not sure where to get in the US--not trying to name drop Paris okAY), Coconut shoes, Urban Outfitters headband, both necklaces are thrifted, J. Crew sunglasses 
Alicia: Urban Outfitters dress, shoes purchased in Paris 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Intro Post!

Hello! Welcome to the blog of two seventeen year old girls stuck in suburbia but wishing we could be Acne clad in Soho (we walked in the store last weekend looked so out of place that they assumed we were going to steal something). Instead, here we are, living vicariously through pictures of Elle Fanning and Alexa Chung on Pinterest. We meant to start this blog in May, but have been too busy sitting around (complaining about how we have nothing to do) this summer to actually post the pictures...

We hope that our style incorporates being a teen as well as reflecting inspiration from somewhat ""high"" fashion. We wish we could frequent stores like Acne Studios, Miu Miu, and Opening Ceremony, but obviously, babysitting money and a minimum wage job doesn't necessarily fall in line with that lifestyle. So we settle for (but still love) stores like Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Topshop, and Zara. (Even Zara is pushing it when there's no sale.) 
Here are some pictures we took in May to help start this blog off! (Notice the shockingly unoriginal background, featuring the aforementioned suburbia.)

P.S. Ignore the overwhelming amount of clothing from Urban Outfitters, we had just come from the mall...

Who's who!
Emma = Emmeci (as in comme ci, comme ça… we take Spanish) in the overall dress and romper
Alicia = Lici Dee (As in Alicia D… Lici was a nickname formed in middle school, unfortunately) in the jumpsuit and Adidas tee

Emma: Urban Outfitters shirt; Urban Outfitters dress; Keds
Alicia: Topshop hat; Target jumpsuit; Urban Outfitters shoes

Emma: Urban Outfitters romper, Keds
Alicia: Urban Outfitters shirt (by Adidas), vintage backpack (although the straps look like suspenders here), Topshop skirt, New Balance shoes